Nurture, Sustain, Empower & Welcome Bonvoy Elite Members
Upgrade the Elite Member experience. Instead of providing bottled waters at check-in, offer Bonvoy Members access to a jaw-dropping CQ Infused Water Hydration Station. With the Bonvoy reusable water bottle, your Elite Members can freely explore nature's colors, tastes, & scents to experience something both beautiful & memorable.
Eliminate an average of 200 cases of bottled water per month. Annually, that's 2,400-cases, with a landfill weight of 14,400 pounds. Aside from providing your Elite Members with a real benefit, you'll prevent 57,600 single-serve plastic bottles from polluting our waterways. Want to do more? Offer event planners the opportunity to replace single-serve bottled waters with CQ Hydration stations and client branded reusable water bottles.
In addition to 1,000 points or a $10.00 drink voucher, offer Bonvoy reusable water bottles at check-in so that Elite Members can refresh & rehydrate during their stay. In doing so,you'll have paid for the reusable bottle. By including your property's name on the bottle, guests will get a tangible keepsake to remind them of their stay. Not a member? Sign up to see, touch, taste, and feel what it means to be Elite. Give back by allowing guests to purchase additional Bonvoy bottles with proceeds going to the Children's Miracle Network.
With airport delays, overcrowded flights, and jet lag, travelers arrive tired, dehydrated, and sore. The CQ Hydration Station will be their oasis, allowing you to cultivate a hydration experience based on your region and season. Tout the unique health benefits of fresh fruits, vegetables & herbs. Sore? Try CQ Strawberry Basil Infused Waters or CQ Peach Pineapple Ginger. Both reduce inflammation. The CQ Hydration Station will Refresh, Rehydrate & Rejuvenate your Bonvoy Elite Members. Nurture them with an Elite hydration upgrade; they've earned it.
Sustainability Goals
Each hotel can save roughly 60,000 single-serve plastic bottles from polluting our planet. That's roughly 7.5 miles of plastic bottles saved at check-in alone. Offer the client-branded reusable water bottles and an Eco-friendly hydration station to your meeting & event planners exceeding your social/environmental goals.
Identify & Engage
Aside from proving an elevated member experience, the Bonvoy Water Bottle will make it easy for associates to identify and continuously engage your most valued guests. Apply the 15/5 Rule to anyone carrying the bottle and watch your Elite Member scores soar. After all, their status deserves your recognition.
Consistently On-Brand
If you’re the kind who likes to control every aspect of your hotel's operation, then CQ is for you. Our patent-pending Infused Beverage Systems allows you to consistently display & serve infused waters with the same look, feel & flavor profile across the country or world. As for the Bonvoy bottle, choose a bottle that's on-brand.